News Letter






The Technology Independence for materials, parts and equipment

The core technology R&D for materials, parts and equipment(KRW 1.3 trillion)
R&D for strategic core material independence(66 items)(KRW 0.3 trillion)
The new R&D only for SMEs' materials, parts and equipment(600 tasks in total) (KRW 0.1 trillion)
The construction of production infrastructure for early commercialization of the developed technologies(KRW 0.5 trillion)
The expansion of performance evaluation equipment and prototype production of achievements from SMEs' R&D(KRW 0.2 trillion)
The mass production using the manufacturing lines of mid-and-large demand companies(KRW 40 billion)
The investment funds to increase mass production capacity of the developed products (KRW 0.4 trillion)
Raising a fund of 500 billion Won in material parts for the development and commercialization of core technologies

The shifting to the AI Era that the government is leading

D.N.A.(Data, Network and AI), the foundation technology of the Fourth Industrial Revolution (KRW 1.7 trillion)
The expansion of data open(1,458→3,094 items)
The development of Big Data Platform Service(17→54 items)
The high-performance computer cost for AI solution development and commercialization voucher(KRW 76.2 billion)
The development of 5G based VR and AR color contents(KRW 54.3 billion)
Three key points for the future(KRW 3.0 trillion)
① The promotion of the system semiconductor industry(KRW 0.3 trillion) - R&D based on the company demand(KRW 89.1 billion)
② The development and commercialization of Bio Health Technology(KRW 1.3 trillion) - The construction project of National Bio Big Data for one million people(KRW 15 billion)
③ The technology development and infrastructure construction for the future-type vehicles(KRW 1.5 trillion) - Electric vehicles(430.000→710.000),hydrogen cars(40.000→100.000) and hydrogen station(40→53)
The major leading projects such as smart factory, farm , new energy industry ,and etc. (KRW 3.1 trillion)

The Innovation in Key industries such as manufacturing

Supplying 5.500 smart factories for manufacturing innovation(KRW 0.4 trillion)
Two new manufacturing data centers and one new analytics platform for collecting and analyzing manufacturing data
The industrial complex innovation such as development of 4 smart industrial parks (KRW 0.4 trillion)
The promotion of foreign investment and corporate local one(move, new construction, and extension(KRW 0.3 trillion)
The purchase cost of factory site. Supplying part of facility investment with government subsidies.
Fostering the source industries such as small manufacturing(KRW 0.1 trillion)
The integrated support vouchers including consulting and market(2,000 businesses) The extension of support for the source-industry-specialized complex(9→11 businesses) (KRW 71.7 billion)

※ More information can be found at 2020 homepage of the Ministry of Strategy and Finance(

Sources and Inquiry: Ministry of Strategic and Finance

TEL. 044-215-7111